Life sometimes can hold us from getting a full-time job, some may encounter life challenges, family issues and others are just not ready to be committed with a full –time job. That’s why some people prefer working in any part job that pays them a fair enough salary rate and they can enjoy life as well!
A part-time job doesn’t necessarily mean low paid salaries. Some part-time jobs can pay you well, that’s why we often see students working part-time while they are still studying. It’s a flexible working hours job and besides that it makes you earn money daily.
Is there a good paying part-time job?
Here are the top 10 Part-Time jobs that actually pay well:
1. Tutor

A tutor is a great part-time job to enroll in, you can either work by giving private lessons at your place or do online tutoring classes, and otherwise, you can give lessons in educational centers or at schools.
- Tutors can charge 30$ per hour or more.
- If you’re interested in taking a part in a part-time tutoring job, you can easily apply on authorized job opportunities websites like Joblang.
2. Travel Agent
Do you consider helping others book their life time vacations and manage their bookings n easy and loveable work for you? If so, do not hesitate to work as a part-time travel agent.
- Travel Agents can make up to 50,000$ per year if they master their job.
- Check out the latest travel agents part time jobs posted on Joblang.com.
3. School bus drivers
School bus drivers often work less than 22 hours per week, which is a really good deal for a part-time job.
- School bus drivers are paid 15$ per hour as a startup.
- A lot of schools always ask for a school bus driver, check any school bus driver jobs in your region by visiting the website mentioned above.
4. A server in breakfast diners

Why breakfast specifically? Because the busiest time in any diner is early mornings, people would come in for a 10 minutes breakfast. If you’re good at working under huge pressure then this is the perfect part-time job for you. Servers are usually paid a good amount of tips on a daily basis besides their main wages.
- Servers can earn from 4$ to 20$ per hour depending on the region and restaurant.
- Are you looking for a server job near you? There are plenty of options.
5. Hair & Makeup Stylist.
If you do have a passion for hair styling and makeup jobs, then this will be a great part-time job for you, this job will allow you to either work in a salon or you can simply work upon requests and appointments of customers.
- Average pay is 10$ and up depending on the salon and customers
- There is a lot of hair stylists and makeup artists positions currently open.
6. Secretary Jobs
Most secretary jobs are often part time jobs. Hotels, for example, require 3 shifts of secretary staff, and others may work as a CEO direct assistant, which may be even more flexible because work will be upon the CEO request and appointments.
- Average pay starts from 10$ an hour to 25$ and some CEOs would pay more.
- Check a variety of job openings for Secretary Vacancies anytime.
7. Mail Man – Post Man

This job is, of course, a part-time job, mail is mainly considered either on daily basis on early mornings or once a week mail delivery .
- Average pay is around 20$ per hour and sometimes more.
8. Private Fitness instructor.
If you have got your Yoga or Pilates license, then do not hesitate to start giving classes in gyms or you can work privately by giving one-on-one class either in your own house or at the client’s house.
- If you build a strong reputation among your clients, then be sure you might get paid more than 25$ per hour.
- You can check online job opportunities and check the salary range in this niche.
9. Baby Sitter –Nanny

This job is special; it’s the kind of job that can be a side job to your full time basic job, because you’ll be taking care of babies-toddlers upon parent’s requests and specific hours. Some nanny jobs might even be a full part job is you’re taking care of working mother baby.
- Average pay is always above the minimum wage, it depends on how many kids you’ll be watching and for how many hours.
- If you are either a college student and looking for a side job or seeking a chance for another part-time job besides the one you are equipping there are plenty of babysitting jobs out there for you.
10. Freelance Writing

This is a big money maker if you’re a professional in writing articles, essays and any related content you might be earning more 100$ per hour, you must be a master in writing. Most freelancers may start with much less hourly pay but it’s totally worth it. Develop you’re writing skills professionally so you can take back big earnings in return.
- Content writers and writing jobs are always in demand, if you’re fit to the requirements apply for a freelance writer on Joblang.com , jobs in the UK and the US writers are paid between 50$ to 100$ per hour.
Taking a Part-Time Job besides your own job is never a bad step because earning more money is a great deal, but also you have a chance to dip into different industries. If you have got the possibility and flexibility to take two part-time jobs that would be a great reference for your resume in the future, doing more than one job in different sectors is a clear image of you being flexible and adaptable. There are a lot of other Part-Time Jobs, some may require a specific license, courses and degrees and others would just require strong will and a great enthusiasm boost and you will be ready to soar!
The text is provided to Whiteoutpress by:
Aya Silawi, who offers essays assistance to a wide range of clients both locally and internationally. Visit their blog joblang.blog to learn more.