Home Business The Most Followed Instagram Profiles

The Most Followed Instagram Profiles

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Social networks have occupied the modern world, and these are the platforms on which we quickly find out the latest information. We can see the trends in clothing, learn useful tricks, search for different events, or find unusual gifts. We can even get inspired for cooking,

makeup, hairdressing, travel… Today, Instagram is certainly one of the most represented social networks. It is thanks primarily to its visual momentum and immediate reach – where it seems like we all know each other. We have made a selection of some of the most beautiful, useful and popular Instagram profiles that will brighten and ease your everyday life.

1. Lovinghautecouture

Image source: cdninstagram.com

This is a profile for all those who love fashion, with an emphasis on high fashion brands. The profile flips daily through the most beautiful celebrity toilets. It reports from prestigious fashion shows, red carpets, and other gala events, etc. It also gives followers the freedom to rate different styling. On this profile, you will also find the perfect wedding dresses. But, you can also find other details and accessories for future brides. This Instagram profile also introduces us to the work of less popular designers. They often hide quite unusual and unique pieces in their studios. So, enjoy the fashion.

2. Beautiful destinations

This is perhaps the best travel site in the world. This profile is gathering more than 11 million people, inspiring them daily to travel. Do you love exotics and daydreaming about faraway areas? This profile will take you wherever you want. They offer insight into some of the most beautiful and attractive tourist destinations on the planet. The snapshots they collect are magical. They are true refreshment and relaxation for your soul.

3. Tastemade

Image source: digiday.com

The most popular internet platform in the world when it comes to food. As expected, their Instagram profile breaks all the records. Here, at any time of the day and night, you will find unusual, delicious and often super calorie recipes, within the 60 seconds video. But, keep this in mind – we can guarantee that your appetite will rise if you stay on this profile for more than a few minutes. This is a typical example of a good marketing strategy. It can be very inspiring and maybe give you the idea to try something similar. With such ventures, you can gain a large number of followers on Instagram. If you want to have a lot of likes, check out this website, and you’ll get the idea.

4. Celebrities

Among the most popular profiles are certainly celebrities.

Among the most popular profiles are certainly celebrities. Instagram is considered one of the most popular social networks. It’s easy to use, and no celebrities have resisted the trend of posting photos. Among the biggest influencers on Instagram, you’ll find celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Christiano Ronaldo, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and many more …

But, believe it or not, the number 1 on this list is no other than Instagram – the official account of this social network. A bit strange … or maybe not?