Home Health How to Deal with Hair Loss due to Chemotherapy

How to Deal with Hair Loss due to Chemotherapy

Img source: medicalnewstoday.com

Battling an illness is one of the hardest things to go through life. Cancer patients have the biggest battle to fight in their hands, the battle to stay alive. They become warriors where their bodies are the ones taking all the hits, and the scars can be visible on the outside.

Cancer takes a toll on someone’s body, mind, emotions and self-image. It’s a struggle to live day-to-day knowing that they carry a deadly weapon on the inside. It takes an immense amount of strength to keep a smile during these hard times.

Cancer patients deserve support and alternatives to deal with the side effects of this painful illness.

Img source: headcovers.com

One of the common side effects of chemotherapy is suffering from hair loss. This side-effect can be particularly difficult for women. Women have a special bond with their hair, and it’s not just vanity, it goes way beyond that. It can become a part of a woman’s physical identity, and losing one’s hair can be a traumatic experience on its own.

There are alternatives, that while they will not prevent your natural hair from falling off, they can help you cope with the hair loss.

1. Get emotionally prepared

Some people can go through chemotherapy without losing their hair. It’s not a rule that everyone loses their hair. However, it is extremely common, which is why it is important for you to get emotionally prepared if it happens.

You can talk to a psychotherapist to learn tools that can help you cope with the emotional turmoil that is experienced when going through chemotherapy.

2. Think about getting a wig

Img source: self.com

Nothing will ever replace your natural locks, but a wig can be a great alternative when dealing with hair loss. Not only will it help you with the self-image side of hair loss, but it will also protect your sensitive scalp from the elements and sun exposure. Joseph’s Wigs has a wonderful collection of wigs with different styles and hair colors.

You can choose one that is similar to your natural hair, or you can even venture into a new style and choose something entirely different.

3. Protect your scalp

Chemotherapy can leave skin sensitive to the elements, and of course, sun exposure. Whether you opt to wear a wig or not, you need to protect your scalp. If it’s summertime, remember to wear sunscreen and a headscarf, and if it’s winter time, remember to wear a hat or a turban to keep your scalp warm and protected from the elements.

Img source: newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org

4. Cut your hair short

This can be a step that can help you cope with the change that your self-image will go through. It’s a way to take matters into your own hands. Short hair can also help give the appearance of having thicker hair.

A short hairstyle is also easier to maneuver when using a wig and it can give your scalp extra protection from the elements, for when you decide to go outside without using anything in your head.