A career in teaching English abroad can be very rewarding. Aside from the extra cash you can get, there is also the possibility of adventure. But to get the chance to teach English in your foreign country of choice, you must get TEFL certification. A quick search for suitable TEFL certification will reveal a lot of different schools at different price points, so much so that it can be difficult to determine which one to choose.
The following four tips should help you sift through the different TEFL schools available to help you find the best;
1. Pre-Enrollment Guidance and Resources
When choosing a TEFL school, you should speak to a professional advisor. They should be well-trained and answer all your questions regarding the teaching markets abroad and the process of getting TEFL certified. Choosing to teach abroad is a multi-step process and you need help through each process including visa requirements, finding the top teaching markets and even information about salary potential.

A good TEFL school will anticipate all these steps and provide all the resources and information you need from the beginning to the end of the process. All the information you need including tn visa for students is available at tnvisaexpert.com
2. Quality of the TEFL Course
Whether it is your first time teaching or you want to widen your level of experience, either way you need to make sure you are investing in a high-quality TEFL class. The TEFL classes you may find online are not the same in terms of standards and quality that the employers are looking for. The following are some of the basic standards of a high-quality TEFL course;
- The course must include at least 100 hours of coursework
- An additional 6-20 hours of practicum (teaching and observation with actual non-English speaking students.
- A curriculum that is accredited by an independent organization
- Qualified and experienced instructors with Master’s degrees in TESOL or other related fields
3. Job Search Guidance
Getting TEFL certification is only the first step and once you have it, you may be wondering what to do with it. A good TEFL school realizes that you will need to recoup the investment you just made. This is why they provide you with the necessary tools, resources, and advice you need to secure employment teaching abroad. This is often known as Job Search Guidance and you should know if the TEFL school provides it even before you register for the classes.

A TEFL school with job search guidance will have advisors whose task is to work one-on-one with you to create a realistic plan to help you with your job search a subsequent employment.
4. Alumni Networking and Engagement
Once you have completed certification and you are ready to pack and leave for your first teaching job abroad, a new problem presents itself. You are moving to a foreign country with no networks which can be very difficult. A good TEFL school provides an extensive network of former students who can give you the necessary support you need to survive in a foreign country. These connections can make the transition to a foreign country much easier.