The lawn mower without collection should be chosen by all those who want to avoid picking up the cut grass finally. There is a definite saving of time but also of money. The economic side, however, reveals itself only in the long term, because initially, a lawn mower of this type costs more than a traditional lawn mower.
Why is there an economic saving in the long term? This is because you won’t have to go to any landfill to throw the grass; therefore, you can save the money of the gasoline, and you don’t have to buy any compost to create the compost yourself. The use and purchase of fertilizers are also reduced. So, in the long run, you can certainly have a profit. Even if, in the end, the most valuable savings is time.

But the benefits did not end there. The lawnmower without collection is also able to cut wet grass as effectively as in the case of dry grass, making it possible to take care of your lawn under any circumstances. Since the grass is pulverized, it also leaves no visible residue on the lawn, which will be clean and perfectly in order.
When choosing a lawn mower without collection, you have to check well which engine is mounted, but also the various other details of the machine. As an example, a car could have the most powerful engine but could have the worst tires and car bodywork that will let it not last long. If a manufacturer, like Peruzzo, takes good care of the details, it means that it took the utmost care to make that product as a whole. Also, you have to be informed about the warranty and the spare parts. Are there any spare parts? How long is needed to find them? For how many years will they be available?
Of course, not everybody is willing to buy a lawnmower without collection and, in this situation, other machines are available. The obvious advantage of mulching mowers is the economic saving when buying one.

A mower used only and exclusively for grass collection with basket costs less. However, the mulching mower must be used mainly when the grass is not too high. Otherwise, some models may encounter difficulties. On the other hand, a model with collection does not encounter problems with tall grass and is ideal for those who, erroneously but also due to lack of time, let the grass grow too much.
We are not here to say that one machine is better than the other; everyone has to assess his situation and needs. However, it is sure that the lawnmower without collection a good investment in the long run. Peruzzo offers its clients the best lawn mowers without collection – but also with – of the market. Just contact the expert team in case of any doubt and choose the best model for you.