Court forms, documents, and fillings can actually be quite confusing. Especially since most of them have strict rules that you need to follow including when and how you can fill them, what they need to incorporate, as well as what you should do with them when you are done filling them.
Naturally, there are hundreds of court forms that you might need to fill out, but, for the sake of this article, we will list everything you need to know about the most common ones that you might come across when filing a claim. Let’s take a closer look at the basics of legal documents and how to fill them out:
1. Agreement Applications

If you are getting a separation, you should consider getting a separation agreement. It is a legal report that must cover how you and your partner will deal with the property, parenting, alimony, and in some situations, spousal support. By having an agreement, you won’t need to have a trial – which will save you a lot of cash, time, and there will also be less stress.
You can make an agreement anytime, including while you are still living together or after you separate. If you cannot work out one directly with your partner, you can, of course, opt for a person that can help you negotiate everything such as a lawyer, mediator, or counselor. Additionally, you can also choose to file in with the Supreme or Provincial Court.
2. Testimony Applications

A testimony or an affidavit is basically a paper that incorporates facts that you state under oath or one that confirms that you were honest in front of the lawyers, the judge, or commissioners. Usually, you can utilize this document instead of providing your statement or evidence to the court.
The 3 most crucial things that you should remember are that you must be telling the truth, sticking to all of the details and events, as well as only including elements that are connected to your trial. By lying, the judge won’t accept the testimony you provided. Also, only incorporate information that is connected to your testimony, which means that you should only incorporate what you witnessed, noticed, did, told, or heard.
3. An Appeal For an Urgent Hearing
Urgent hearings are for matters that include requests for urgent help connected to the safety of a kid or adult, requests to get a protection order, urgent cases that involve parenting time or contact with a child, applications to change, cancel, or suspend imprisonment, as well as urgent matter where harm might occur if the person is not heard.
The structure of the document is pretty simple to complete and follow. Of course, it will require you to give some basic things such as your name, surname, email, telephone number, address, and so. However, it will also require you to state what you are requesting, is the case connected to the physical safety of someone, as well as the reason for your request.
4. A Certificate Of Pleading

You can use this paper when applying for a divorce. The registrar at the court must sign it in order for your documents to be verified before you send them to the judge. You won’t have any problems with filling it out, and you’ll basically be required to submit your personal data, as well as the reason why you are pleading to the court.
5. A Financial Statement

When you want to or when you have been requested to, you can use this document to show the judge data about your assets, income, expenses, as well as debts. The court might need you to submit this for a wide range of reasons, such as, for example, child or spousal support.
You’ll finish it quickly since it comes down to your ticking the phrases connected to your case like the reason or reasons why you need to submit the financial statement, employer data, documentation that you submitted with the statement, as well as annual income and other sources of income that you might have.
6. Notice of Trial

If you want to formally schedule your trial, you can use this document for it. Naturally, you can only file this document once you have reserved several dates with a trial coordinator at the registry. Keep in mind that you need to file it and serve it to the other party within thirty days of setting your trial date.
The document consists of only one page and like all the other forms on this list, you first need to submit your personal info. Additionally, you’ll also need to state your case number, the date that you want your trial to be scheduled on, as well as the info of the other person involved in the trial.
What About Serving These Documents?

You should know that sometimes a legal process might require that the forms and all relating documentation be served. Now, this means that you need to provide the other individual with the documents regarding your case. This can be achieved by sending them a letter to their address or sending it via email or fax. But, some cases require people to physically hand it to the other person.
Of course, most people would feel uncomfortable with doing it or they might not know the address of the other person involved, and in that case, you can opt for an alternative service. These companies will serve the documents for you – which is something that will make everything more pleasant and less stressful. If you want to see what services you can opt for, check out servemonsters.com.
As you can see, there is a wide range of forms that you can come across. Of course, you’ll need to read the instructions and rules when you get the form, but, it all comes down to you describing the events or reason for submitting a claim, telling, the truth, and sticking to what is important to your case. So, now that you what these forms are, as well as some tips for filling them, do not waste any more time, instead, start filling in the forms you need to right away.