Not many people get to see a water pump in their lives, yet they are so frequently used in our modern societies. Chances are that you have a couple of them in your home, but you’ve never really got to see how they look or work.
These things aren’t rare at all, and the reason for that is because they serve a great purpose in many different areas and fields. Water Pumps are used in many private residences, industries, homes, backyards, and quite a few other places as well.
However, just because they are so common, people don’t really care about seeing one, so you won’t really be running into one anytime soon unless you’re specifically looking to do so.
We may not give a lot of attention to these things, but they really do a great job when it comes to supplying water with an acceptable pressure level in our homes. That is why this article will be dedicated to our beloved Water Pumps, so if you are interested in learning more about how they work and what are some of their most popular types, feel free to read until the end. Without further ado, let’s jump straight into the content.
What is their role?

Every time you go in the bathroom to take a shower, you should be thankful for that water-pump that’s working so hard to bring the water to you, especially if you live in an apartment building on some of the top-floors. Without these things, the water will not be able to reach your apartment, not to mention “spurting” out of the showerhead properly so you can take your beloved bath.
So, what did we learn? The goal of these pumps is to provide enough pressure in the water pipes so that you can do your daily activities in your home without any issues. Now for the more interesting part. How do they actually do this?
How do they work?
Although there are a few different types of water pumps, all of them work pretty similarly. Their main principle is to use kinetic energy in order to “push” the water harder into the pipes, creating pressure that allows you to have a strong flow in your kitchen or bathroom. Almost every water pump nowadays is using an electric motor but you can still find some places in rural areas that have the old-fashioned hand-powered pump.
What types of water pumps are there?
Just like we mentioned earlier, there are a few different types of water pumps. The oldest and most popular one is the hand-powered pump, which can be seen near wells in rural areas, or at places that are purposely designed to look old-fashioned.
Now, for the modern pumps, there are two categories. The first category is Positive Displacement Pumps, and the second category is Centrifugal Pumps. We’re going to give a brief explanation for both types so that you can get a slight sense of how things function in both categories.
The Positive Displacement Type – PDP – Also called Rotary Pumps

These types of water pumps are used mostly in industries where water with high viscosity is constantly being utilized. They are also called rotary pumps because of the way their mechanism functions, which is by making slow rotations that push away the water, creating the required amount of pressure in the pipe.
Do not confuse them with the Centrifugal Water Pumps, because they have a similar way of functioning as well. If you are interested in seeing one, or even better, purchasing one of these positive displacement pumps, feel free to visit waterpumpwarehouse.com.au for some of the best examples.
The Centrifugal Type
According to some statistics, these types of pumps seem to be a bit more frequently used compared to the ones we mentioned above, but that doesn’t really mean anything in terms of quality. Every situation requires a different solution, and that’s why we have different kinds of pumps.
The centrifugal units have a design that features a mechanism of a rotating impeller that has the role of getting the water inside of the pump and forcing the discharge flow. Although these pumps for a category by themselves, there are still a few various types of them as well. They can be submersible, trash or standard. They are very popular in buildings such as the ones we live in, and other industrial objects such as water centrals, etc.
What should I look for in a pump?
Just like every other product, when you’re purchasing something you’re doing it for a reason. And that reason is always different from person to person. There isn’t an “all size fits all” option when it comes to pumps, so you need to choose one depending on what you need it for. Here are the three most important things that you should consider before finalizing your purchase.
– The power of the pump. This will always depend on what you need the pump for, so if the situation requires more pressure, you’ll need a stronger one.
– The type of fuel that it uses. The motor of the device you’re purchasing can be powered by either gas, diesel, electricity or hydraulics. The only type that we didn’t mention is the one powered by your own hand, but those are pretty old-school.
– The material that it is made from is also really important, both for quality and for a few other things. If you are setting it up somewhere exposed, which can happen quite often, for example when you’re using it for a pool, you’ll need to pick a material that won’t get damaged from natural elements such as strong sunlight and rain.
When should I consider purchasing one?

These products are not only used in the industry and other serious fields of that kind. They can also be used for many casual purposes, such as “powering” a pool for your kids in the backyard or maintaining an aquarium of a larger scale, if you happen to own one. They are also heavily used in the plant-growing industries, mostly for watering, but sometimes for other things as well. There are quite a few other uses, but we’re not going to list them all for the sake of this article.