Are you hesitant to call a lawyer after being injured in an accident? If you’re worried that you won’t end up with enough compensation to make it worth pursuing, that’s not necessarily true. A personal injury lawsuit has the potential to generate far more compensation than if you were to negotiate with the insurance company.
Insurance companies are for-profit corporations and work hard to pay out as little as possible. The less they pay out, the more profit they keep. Every insurance claim has a monetary limit, and the adjuster isn’t allowed to negotiate above that amount. You could be the best negotiator in the world and still never get the compensation you deserve.
Your injuries are worth pursuing in court

While a lawyer is trained to fight for as much compensation as possible, there’s another reason to pursue your claim in court rather than haggle for pennies with an insurance adjuster.
A personal injury lawsuit gives you the right to ask for more types of compensation. For example, with a lawsuit, you can ask to be compensated for non-economic damages like pain and suffering, mental anguish, permanent disfigurement, and loss of enjoyment of life. These are damaged insurance companies won’t generally consider.
Other damages like lost work, lost future wages, and property damage can be recovered through an insurance claim, but the payout will be minimal. A lawyer will push for getting you fully compensated for these losses.
It’s important to request compensation for all possible damages because it’s hard to tell how your injuries will affect your life long-term. According to thenyelawgroup.com, serious injuries can impact your life long-term in ways you may not be aware of:
– Spinal cord injuries can result in total or partial paralysis, which can prevent you from enjoying life. In the beginning, you might not realize how difficult life will be.
– A traumatic brain injury can cause memory loss, personality changes, mood issues, and impaired coordination. Your cognitive function can get worse over time.
– Amputations are traumatic and can cause mental distress and difficulties with mobility. As you get older, it might be harder to maintain the strength you need to remain independent.
– Broken bones are painful and can severely limit mobility. Improperly healed bones can become a permanent injury with permanent pain.
– Internal injuries like damage to organs can compromise your overall health.
Another important reason to pursue a lawsuit is that you will probably need the extra compensation only a lawyer can generate. Medical bills tend to pile up quickly, and you don’t want to be sideswiped by unexpected medical debt.
Don’t allow an insurance company to deny your claim

If you’ve been injured in an accident, go straight to a lawyer and don’t give the insurance company a chance to deny your claim. Insurance companies routinely deny legitimate claims when they think they can get away with it.
Insurance adjusters use all kinds of tricks to get the evidence they need to deny a claim legally. For example, they’ll ask you for a recorded statement in hopes that you’ll say something that will invalidate your claim. The problem is, the adjuster might ask how you’re doing and if you say you’re “fine” or “okay,” they can use that to prove you aren’t as injured as you claim to be.
The adjuster might ask you something like, “So you’re able to walk around okay now? You’re not in that much pain, right?” They’re trying to get you to admit you’re not in that much pain. They know many people tend to downplay the severity of their pain when asked, and they prey on that.
Another trick adjusters use to ask you to sign a release form so they can access your medical records. The main thing they’re looking for is evidence that your injury was pre-existing or caused by something else. Even the slightest coincidence can get your claim denied. They might even claim certain medical procedures you’ve had done were not necessary, or you waited too long.
Don’t talk to insurance companies – stick with a personal injury attorney

To get the maximum compensation for your injuries, skip talking to insurance adjusters and go straight for a consultation with a personal injury attorney. Don’t waste your time haggling for peanuts with an adjuster. They’re not on your side, and you won’t recover the full amount of damages you’re entitled to recover.