March 15, 2013
March 15, 2013. Chicago. It’s been a horrible 30 days for Whiteout Press, until yesterday. One month ago, Google suspended the site’s advertising revenue. Then, AT&T blocked access to the website for all of its nationwide customers. Then, on the day our newest independent news site was announced, everything was down, suspended or blocked. But like the sunrise peeking out over the horizon, every block and restriction was suddenly released yesterday and we found ourselves back, bigger and better than ever.

Mark Wachtler, Editor of Whiteout Press, and now Libertarian Party News as well.
Readers and subscribers
Whiteout Press readers and subscribers may have noticed that the number of articles being published had dropped somewhat. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to publish. It’s just that we had to shift some of our writing time to the two columns due to the fact that Google had suspended advertising to Whiteout Press. It was a simple violation that consisted of writing a news article one year ago about brick and mortar casinos moving their businesses online. Considering Nevada and New Jersey just legalized online gambling, the article was more than timely, it was prophetic. It was also against Google’s publisher guidelines.
After deleting the page in question, we waited, and waited, and waited, for nearly a month. Finally, out of nowhere, advertising suddenly reappeared yesterday. As wonderful as that was, the letters of encouragement and the handful of small donations we received over the past month to get us through were even more wonderful. On behalf of Whiteout Press, thank you.
Libertarian Party News
Two months ago, the national chair of the Libertarian Party called your author at home. The call was in response to an article I had written excitedly describing how the Libertarian Party was doubling in size right before our eyes. The national chair went on to offer me a paid writing position periodically covering the party and its candidates. While I support the Libertarian Party and consider myself a libertarian and Constitutionalist, I’m happy producing Whiteout Press.
I did however offer the LP my idea – to create a Libertarian Party news outlet that brings local and national news, local and national candidates, and state party announcements all together at one website. The beauty of the idea was that the site would feature 50-100 libertarian and Libertarian Party columnists all covering the candidates and issues that have been blacked-out by the corporate media for far too long. The best part, the entire site would be automated with little manual upkeep after the initial monumental construction.
The party liked the idea, but not if they had to undertake the intimidating task. I asked them if they would mind if I thought about it some more and possibly put it together myself, “something like Libertarian Party News.” “Go ahead,” I was told, “There are already a number of libertarian news sites out there.”
For two months, I quietly reached out to 27 established libertarian and Libertarian Party writers. Every one of them was excited to take part. Unfortunately, 4 of them had just had their columns dropped by their individual publishers and they couldn’t participate. With 19 local and 4 national columnists across the country on board, your author spent the past two months diligently building the new website –
Without bad luck, no luck at all
As is often the case it seems, the day the 23 LPN columnists and I announced the news site, AT&T mysteriously imposed a nationwide block on the site, as well as Whiteout Press and dozens of other innocent websites. Admitting the error was on their end, AT&T spent the night fixing the problem. By noon yesterday, after 24 hours of chaos, panic, frustration and despair, everything suddenly came back on, including our Google advertising account.
After 30 days of gut-wrenching anguish over the Google suspension, topped off by the launch day crash, it seems like everything is finally firing on all cylinders. The new site,, is a tremendous success. Candidates and writers from across the country are emailing and asking how they can get involved and help out. Now, if we can only keep the Libertarian Party from suing us, we’ll really be in good shape.
While Whiteout Press is an independent news outlet, so is Libertarian Party News. It might cover the Libertarian Party, its candidates and the cause of liberty, but it is not owned, controlled or connected to the party in any way. And Whiteout Press and our two Examiner political columns will continue to cover other independents and third parties. The Libertarian Party, who we support, is growing so fast that its news and announcements can literally fill up an entire news site. So, since one didn’t exist, we created it for them. The response, even after just 24 hours and the news barely making it out yet, has been nothing short of inspiring.
Over the next couple days, Whiteout Press and our two Examiner columns will be back to their normal publishing schedule, and we will proudly add the latest addition to our ever-growing independent news empire. Joining Whiteout Press, the National Independent Examiner column, and the Chicago Independent Examiner column, we officially welcome Libertarian Party News to the Whiteout Press family.
If you think this is big news, just wait until the next phase. Give me a few months though – I’m completely exhausted and a nervous wreck. But make no mistake, as the famed John Paul Jones once said, “I have not yet begun to fight.”
Check out the new independent news outlet
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