March 8, 2014
Tide turning with Victory in anti-GMO Fight
March 8, 2014. Des Moines. The tide has officially turned in America’s fight against genetically modified food-like substitutes. There’s a civil war in the corporate GMO industry. Countries all over the world are rejecting the laboratory created animal/plant mutations. Non-GMO farmers are suing GMO farmers instead of the other way around. And America’s largest farmers’ trade associations are demanding that one GMO seed company shut down production because nobody wants their product.

2 agri-giants and 2 agrigulture trade groups demand one GMO producer cease production. Image courtesy of
It’s ironic that the two entities most responsible for reversing the proliferation of genetically altered products in the United States are actually China and Europe. Whole Foods, Cherrios and Chipotle get a symbolic tip of the hat too. And healthy food activists will take the victory any way they can get it. GMO products like corn, sugar, soybeans and wheat are still big sellers in the US. But with more and more of the world boycotting them, Wall Street agri-giants like Cargill are backpedaling on GMO’s.
China says no to GMO
In December, we reported that Chinese import officials had just rejected the fifth American GMO corn shipment in one month. All together, the five deliveries totaled 500 million pounds of US corn. While dangerous genetically modified plants are approved by the US government to be consumed by Americans, Chinese and European governments refuse to allow most GMO products into their food supply. And when the two most populous entities on Earth reject your products because they insist they’re dangerously unhealthy, it’s time to rethink your corporate strategy.
Read the December Whiteout Press article, ‘American GMO Corn made with E-coli Bacteria’ for details.
Two weeks ago, news exploded simultaneously in both the environmental and healthy foods communities, as well as on Wall Street, concerning the future of genetically modified products in the US. While news is often colorful and emotional on the activist side, when Wall Street analysts and multi-billion-dollar corporations start making announcements, you know something is really going on. And in this case, non-GMO agri-giants are threatening GMO companies, demanding they stop infecting America’s farmscape with their animal-plant lab mutations.
Wall Street says no to GMO
The Motley Fool in their Wall Street report last week announced, ‘More Cracks appear in GMO Wall – The invincibility of genetically modified crops may be starting to crumble under its own weight.’ What the financial publication was warning investors was that GMO products are suddenly more of a burden than a benefit. And anything that hurts profits on Wall Street doesn’t last long. Foodies and consumer advocates hope that law of business extends to GMO’s as well.
With the help of millions of anti-GMO activists around the world, consumers have been educated like never before about the potential dangers, health threats and mysterious secrets about genetically altered products. The result has been powerful resistance to GMO foods by industry giants including restaurants like Chipotle Grill, manufacturers like General Mills, and retailers like Whole Foods. Now, the agriculture behemoth Cargill has demanded that GMO seed company Syngenta cease production of its MIR 162 corn seeds immediately.
Agriculture Associations say no to GMO
The report from the Motley Fool explains that in addition to Cargill and Bunge, both the National Grain and Feed Association and the North American Export Grain Association sent a letter to Syngenta asking the company to stop producing and selling its GMO corn seeds unless or until it is no longer banned around the world. The problem is that entire corn crops and shipments, even inside the US, are being rejected at every step of the farming process because the notorious MIR 162 GMO corn genes have been infecting non-MIR 162 GMO corn crops. They’ve also been infecting non-GMO corn fields as well.
Citing the reason for their sudden antagonistic approach to certain GMO seeds, the Wall Street analysts paraphrase the two agriculture trade groups explaining, ‘While the trade associations support the creation of GM crops, they don’t do so if the economic harm they’ll create will crush their farmers.’ For its part, Syngenta representatives insist that many US grain elevators around the country have long posted signs warning that the company’s two GMO corn products are not welcome and this really isn’t news. The reason is because the banned GMO corn mixes with the approved GMO corn and all of it gets rejected by China.
In what has to be a welcome scene by anti-GMO activists, Wall Street analysts appear to be finally understanding why consumers around the world don’t want GMO products on their plate. ‘The backlash against genetic modification of food continues to mount’ they write, ‘There’s a certain illogic to the notion that we can spray seed with poison that kills everything around it but still allows it to germinate and grow. The resulting crops are also sprayed, only to be harvested, sold, and consumed later on.’
GMO’s out of control
As we pointed out in December, to the horror of readers, the latest lab-created versions of GMO crops are drastically different than the first generation. Early GMO seeds contained herbicides, killing weeds and preventing the growing plants from being infected with other plant diseases. The latest version of GMO seeds, like the ones from Syngenta currently being banned, are carnivores and herbivores.
Let’s repeat that – they are carnivores, meaning the corn is no longer a plant. It is a plant-animal mutation, having been created in a laboratory by splicing the genes of plants together with the genes of animals. In the case of the banned Syngenta corn, one of the animals is the E-coli bacteria – a carnivorous animal that literally kills humans every day. Unfortunately for Americans, the US government is one of the few that refuse to protect consumers from the bizarre and little-tested concoction.
Syngenta’s GMO products aren’t the only ones suddenly under fire and in jeopardy of being banned everywhere but the US. Monsanto’s MON 810 corn seeds are also in jeopardy of being rejected globally. The report points out that 19 of the 28 European Union nations voted to ban that particular GMO corn variety. Russia and France have indicated they will join China and ban it as well. If that happens, the entire GMO industry will take a hit because Monsanto is partners with DuPont and Dow Chemical on that product.
Closing their investor warning, the Motley Fool describes what they see as the probable future of genetically modified food products in general, ‘The problem for Syngenta is one for the industry as a whole, and though they’ve got their finger in the dike at the moment, leaks are springing up around them everywhere and the whole structure may soon collapse.’
For more information, read the full report at the Motley Fool.
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