We all hate it when there is a sudden interruption of power. What makes it unbearable is the long wait, especially if you were in the middle of something. Having a generator is one of the best ways of dealing with the problem.
There are three general types of generators, namely portable, inverter, or standby types. The style you choose depends on your preference, with each having their pros and cons. We shall have an in-depth look at each kind of generator, its features, and coming up with the best ones for varied situations. You can also learn more at BestGenerator.org.
What to look for in a Generator
You should note down the power your tools and gadgets required. Accordingly, get generators that won’t give off too much power, which might cause a surge in power destroying your equipment. On the other hand, the one with low energy for your needs will serve you inadequately or not at all. Therefore, it’s essential to find the sweet spot for your needs.
A general rule of thumb is to check out the power rating of your equipment and the amount of power that is required. You can save on the energy requirements by looking at only essential appliances that you might need, since running a generator is typically a plan B due to the costs of running it.
Power requirements
After knowing what you want to keep running, even when the power goes out. Next, you need to figure out how much energy will serve you best. Most of the appliances you need have wattages labeled on their backs or base, shown as kWh or Kilowatt Hours. After adding all the wattages in your devices, like the TV and AC, multiply the figure by 1.5. According to most experts, that extra oomph adds an extra layer of security, when the need arises. When blackout happens, all of a sudden some of us realize we haven’t charged our phones and other small issues. All these little issues combine to create a power hungry monster. You need to list the critical equipment to be powered by your chosen generator, which is also rated conveniently askWh. Not only does this tabulation idea help in power restoration, but it also ensures the power runs well.
Portable Generator

Your home encompasses more than what’s inside your walls, where there are no sockets to plug in your devices. The convenience of power and distance is what makes portable generators marketable.
Working within your portable generators rating is necessary because it does not produce as much wattage as the others do. This action enables the machinery to operate within its limit, reducing stress and overworking.
A wheeled portable generator will help you reduce all the stress of moving it. Again, it helps with those people suffering from back problems. The perfect portable generator weighs between 40-50 pounds, which will undoubtedly also help for people who struggle in moving substantial projects. However, purchasing such costs more compared to normal ones. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about the cost of paying a technician to help you install it.
Standby Generator

This one helps those whose primary concern is getting electricity immediately back after an outage. It restores the power supply to the whole house in a matter of seconds. Some standby generators are even automatic, restoring power in record time.
Moreover, they switch themselves off as soon as the power comes back. However, you cannot move standby types as easy as portable types. They also require trained manpower to install them. The following are some of the situations and considerations that may help you decide to get one;
Advanced Technology Generator

Standby types are very noisy and may act as a nuisance at night. Nonetheless, you can acquire a more advanced generator, with an option of silencer-installed. This feature helps to reduce the noise levels in similar high power types. Some even have self-diagnosis installations that help in monitoring them. Note that the advanced ones are costly. They are convenient for industries who can easily afford them.
Inverter Generator

This one is suitable for adventurous people. It is convenient for camping and tailgating. It is much quieter than the rest. They also run on both propane and gas. The higher the price, the greater the wattage option for you. The effectiveness of it can also be increased by using two inverters at the same time. This enhancement is possible through the use of a parallel connection feature.
Inverter generators are convenient, powering small electronic devices like smartphones, laptop computers, and lamps. They do not experience power surges that often damage electrical appliances. Its consistent nature makes it ideal for such use. However, they cannot be stored indoors for safety purposes because they emit carbon monoxide.
As we have seen, it is advisable to have a generator in case of a power outage. Make sure you choose one that is convenient for your needs. Different generators come with different uses. Check the user manual to ensure it operates with maximum efficiency.