May 26, 2015
March Against Monsanto 2015 – in Pictures
By Mark Wachtler
May 26, 2015. Earth. (ONN) This weekend was the annual worldwide March Against Monsanto. If you live in America and didn’t hear about it, that was no accident. The Washington-Wall Street media industry had a universal black-out of Saturday’s global protest. That’s because Monsanto, America’s media outlets and the US federal government are all owned by the same exact people. But that didn’t stop hundreds of thousands of individuals, if not millions, from marching against Monsanto.
Millions marched worldwide against Monsanto on Saturday. But most Americans missed it due corporate censors and a nationwide media black-out. Image courtesy of
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Protesting against Monsanto, their GMO products, their Roundup pesticides and the revolving door between the company and the US government, demonstrators marched in 428 cities in 38 countries this Saturday. Below are some pictures from the 2015 March Against Monsanto.
Images courtesy of Natural News, RT News, and various individuals:
Albany, NY

Los Angeles
New York
Puerto Rico
South Africa
Washington, DC
For more information, visit
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