May 4, 2012
May 4, 2012. Washington. Who can arrest the highest law enforcement officer in the land? When he’s repeatedly broken the law, as US Attorney General Eric Holder is accused of, it falls to the President to relieve the renegade Executive Branch official of command. With President Obama seemingly protecting his Attorney General for three years now, it’s fallen to the US Congress to reign in Mr. Holder. Yesterday, it was reported that House Republicans have officially begun the process to charge the US Attorney General with Contempt of Congress.

Atty Gen Eric Holder on course to be charged with Contempt of Congress
In a report by CBS News, the network explains that Republican members of the House Oversight Committee have released both a 42-page draft Contempt of Congress citation against Eric Holder, as well as a memo summarizing the two years worth of stonewalling and false testimony the Attorney General’s office has provided in the face of both House and Senate investigations. Those investigations center around the BATF’s 2009 ‘Fast and Furious’ gun-running operation.
In conjunction with US Attorneys, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) supplied 2,000 military-style weapons to Mexican drug cartels under the secret program titled, ‘Fast and Furious’. When faced with a Congressional investigation, the Justice Dept. led by Attorney General Eric Holder, repeatedly provided false testimony regarding the department’s knowledge and actions. Read the Dec. 5, 2011 Whiteout Press article, ‘DOJ admits to False Congressional Admissions’ for further details.
The secret weapons transfer to the cartels suddenly burst into the spotlight when US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in a gun fight by one of the very same weapons sold by the BATF to the Sinaloa drug cartel in the on-going Fast and Furious operation. Suddenly, people wanted answers, most especially the family of slain officer Terry. Read the Dec. 19, 2011 Whiteout Press article, ‘Murdered Border Patrolman’s Family wants Justice’ for more information.
Then just over a month ago, it was revealed that the alleged target of the Fast and Furious investigation, Manuel Celis-Acosta, was arrested during the BATF operation not just once but twice. Both times, agents let him go. All the while, they continued to supply military weapons to the Mexican drug cartels claiming it was necessary to catch the very same Manuel Celis-Acosta.
When Attorney General Eric Holder learned that details of his case were leaked to the media, he immediately blamed the staffs of Sen Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Rep Darrell Issa (R-CA). Both Congressmen and their respective Committees have been working together to investigate the Attorney General and his department. Mr. Holder immediately announced he would no longer cooperate with Congress and would provide no more details, documents or answers. Read the March 25, 2012 Whiteout Press article, ‘DOJ Protected Fast and Furious Target Twice’ for details.
According to the Congressional memo released by CBS News today, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa distributed to the full Committee a draft of Contempt of Congress proceedings for committee members to review and discuss “at an upcoming business meeting”.
The House memo states:
‘This memo explains key events and facts in Operation Fast and Furious that have been uncovered during the congressional investigation; remaining questions that the Justice Department refused to cooperate in helping the Committee answer; the ongoing relevance of these questions; and the extent of the harm created by both Operation Fast and Furious and the Department’s refusal to fully cooperate. The memo also explains issues for Committee Members to consider in making a decision about holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his Department’s refusal to provide subpoenaed documents. Attached to this memo for review and discussion is a draft version of a contempt report that the Committee may consider at an upcoming business meeting.’
The memo also quotes one BATF agent attempting to explain why the release of 2,000 firearms to the Mexican drug cartels was not an accident:
The House memo states:
‘As one agent explained: When we should have done something and it wasn’t, you have let it walk. There has to be an active decision…a choice is made to allow it to walk. It is not like something got away from you or you lost it. If a suspect beats you in a foot chase and he gets away, you didn’t let him walk, you just lost the chase. So that’s what walking is.’
According to the same CBS News investigation, this would be only the 4th time in recent history that Congress has sought to bring Contempt charges against the Executive Branch. In 1983, EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch Burford was found in Contempt of Congress. In 1998, it was Attorney General Janet Reno. And in 2008, it was White House counsel Harriet Miers and Chief of Staff John Bolton.
House Republicans aren’t the only ones calling for Eric Holders resignation or indictment. The US Attorney General has managed to persecute and prosecute a number of America’s population segments, including the poor, war vets, homeowners, taxpayers, marijuana smokers and seemingly any other defenseless group he can set his site’s on. Below is just a sample of the last 12 months under Eric Holder’s Attorney General’s office. Some would call it a ‘reign of terror’. Browse the below Whiteout Press articles and judge for yourself. In the meantime, House Republicans will seek an indictment against the US Attorney General for Contempt of Congress.
Senators Warn Americans about Secret Government Policies
Hands off White Collar Crime
Obama gives Sanctuary City Status to Entire Nation
Government Pockets $5.5 billion to betray Homeowners
Feds Raid Oaksterdam and Legal Medical Marijuana Shops
DoJ Admits False Congressional Admissions
DoJ Protected Fast and Furious Target Twice
Bailing out Fannie Mae again, No Charges
Murdered Border Patrolman’s Family wants Justice
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