February 4, 2015
Conservatives launch Red Nation Radio
By Mark Wachtler
February 4, 2015. Elizabeth, NJ. (ONN) For the past few months, political conservatives Tom O’Halloran and Teresa Zerilli-Edelglass have been spreading the word that they were launching an internet radio station. The idea was to create a place where conservative radio personalities, or those interested in hosting their own radio show, and conservative radio listeners could find each other. Their vision has come to fruition and it’s called Red Nation Radio.
Time slots still open
Whiteout Press typically doesn’t promote businesses or publish new product launches unless it’s for people or groups we’ve watched put in the time and effort fighting the good fight for a while. And one of the most common requests we get for news coverage is from new internet radio stations and shows. Normally, we don’t write about it because there isn’t enough information or it feels like a scam or we just don’t see the model working. But in the case of Red Nation Radio, the opposite is true on all counts.
This author watched O’Halloran and Zerilli-Edelglass pitch their idea across conservative America to anyone who would listen. It didn’t take long for them to turn it into reality. Red Nation Radio already has a handful of shows filling out much of each day’s evening broadcast schedule. But the vast majority of time slots are still open and waiting for a conservative radio show, maybe even yours.
The station’s website lists a host of additional benefits that shows receive from the online network. And while there is a fee to air your show, the terms are straightforward and the cost is minimal enough that it would most likely be covered with each show’s advertising revenue. In short, your radio show hosted on Red Nation Radio should pay for itself.
What does it cost?
One of the things we like about Red Nation Radio is their honest and open approach to letting prospective show hosts know that there is a small monthly fee for a weekly radio show. According to their simple fee schedule, the cost for a weekly online radio show is:
$50 per month for a one-hour weekly show, $100 per month for a one-hour Prime Time slot (7-10pm EST)
$75 per month for either a two-hour weekly show (or two one-hour weekly shows), $150 per month for two one-hour Prime Time slots (7-10pm EST)
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The website explains, ‘If you want to start a show, and it falls under the rather broad category of conservative talk radio, the next step is to find an open time slot. Go to the Schedule of shows tab and find an opening that suits your schedule.’ A quick visit to the page reveals a half dozen radio shows airing at various times between 5pm and midnight. The rest of the slots are open. The shows include On Point, The Irish John Show, The Conservative Syndicate, Patriot Radio with Tom O’Halloran, Graceland, and The Josh Bernstein Show.
What do hosts get for their fee?
According to Red Nation Radio’s Teresa Zerilli-Edelglass, “We provide you with a full spectrum of services necessary to produce and broadcast quality programming in an atmosphere like no other. At Red Nation Radio you are free to broadcast with as many other networks as you wish. We want your message to be spread far and wide without concern of infringement. There are no contracts, no exclusivity clauses, nothing to stand in the way of starting.”
She goes on to list off some of the benefits the online network offers to participating radio shows and their hosts:
- No contracts, no exclusivity clause
- Your show, your way, in every way
- 100% ad revenue from your sponsors PLUS 25% ad revenue from network ads seen on your page
- Easy-to-use SAM software dash
- Your own direct-link show page on RedNationRadio.com
- 24/7 ad column, chat room, & show banner
- Red Nation Radio email address
- Skype call-in capability
- Marketing with social media reach you will not find anywhere else
- Superior technical support to assist with all of your production needs
- Opportunity to build ownership as the network grows
Making money on Red Nation Radio
While the online network charges a small fee to produce and air the radio shows, they also offer ways to make your show profitable. There are three main ways cited.
Your advertisers – Red Nation Radio touts the fact that radio shows and their hosts are free to sell advertising on their show with 100% of the revenue kept by the show. Hosts are also able to sell advertising on their free Red Nation Radio show webpage, also with 100% of revenue kept by the show.
Network advertisers – Red Nation Radio also sells advertising on your show’s free webpage, with each respective show receiving 25% of all the ad revenue.
Stock program – While the network’s stock program is little more than the equivalent of fantasy football, it has the potential to make show hosts a lot of money some day in the future. Red Nation Radio is not legally obligated to do anything, especially share a future IPO cash windfall with the participating shows that made it all happen. But the network’s owners swear they intend to do just that.
As explained on the network’s website, each time a show airs on Red Nation Radio, the show host will receive one share of Red Nation Radio stock. Each time a new show airs, another share of stock is issued. The model suggests that all show hosts combined will never hold more than 25% of the company, with the founders and future stock issuances absorbing the remaining ownership.
“As an example, let’s review the history of The Huffington Post, the biggest and most successful of these new media organizations,” the Red Nation Radio founders detail, “The Huffington Post was started in 2005 by political activist Arianna Huffington and Kenneth Lerer, former VP of AOL-Time Warner. The primary researcher for the new organization was the late Andrew Breitbart, editor at The Drudge Report. By 2010, the HUFFPO was profitable. In 2012, HUFFPO sold to AOL for $315 Million Dollars while the writers who made so much of their success possible received nothing. By contrast, RedNationRadio.com seeks ways to compensate hosts, not exploit them. It is our goal to share revenue with all the hosts that contribute to the success of Red Nation Radio.”
For more information, visit RedNationRadio.com.
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