Locks. They are all around us. There are locks on our doors, our cars, our safe deposit boxes, and even our mailboxes. Locks are an essential part of life for the simple fact that there will always be people who attempt to enter spaces they should not be in. However, technology is changing the game. Electronic locks represent a better way to keep spaces secure.
Electronic locks in the home are becoming increasingly more popular with the emergence of integrated home automation and security. What is the big draw? All the positives of electronic locks can be summed up in a single word: keys. Electronic door locks facilitate keyless entry. It is that simple.
Easier Entry, Night or Day 
Imagine entering your home without having to fumble with your keys. Night or day, you can get in simply by entering a code on a digital keypad. You can even unlock the door with your smartphone before you get out of the car. Then you will be able to walk right in.
Vivint, a nationally known provider of home security and home automation systems, recently published an excellent blog post discussing how common it is for people to lose their keys. They bring up another excellent point: electronic door locks still allow entry even if a homeowner loses his or her keys.
A homeowner would still want to have the locks changed – in the event keys are never found – but at least getting in initially is not hampered by lost keys. At least the homeowner doesn’t have to pay a locksmith to get in.
Accommodating Out-Of-Town Guests
Keyed locks present a problem when out-of-town guests are staying with you. You either have to make sure someone is home when guests are expected to arrive, or you have to provide them with their own keys. Leaving a key under the door mat is no longer an option.
Keyless entry is the solution. With electronic door locks, a homeowner can create an entry code specifically for the guests in question. They will have access upon arrival even if no one else is there. Furthermore, they can freely come and go throughout their stay without having to worry about locked doors.
The beauty of such a system is that the code can be changed after guest departure. Codes can be changed as frequently as necessary to guarantee access only to those people who should have it. All of this is done without having to rely on distributing and collecting keys.
A More Secure Environment

One last thing to think about is how electronic locks make a home more secure. To explore this a bit further, we turn to the ever-present risk of burglary. It turns out that burglars prefer the front door as their first point of entry. Smart burglars know how to deal with traditional keyed locks.
Electronic locks make the burglar’s job more difficult. First and foremost, replacing the key under the mat with a keyless entry system completely eliminates that risk. But we can go one step further. Electronic locks are almost always paired with a home security system for obvious reasons. Studies show that burglars avoid homes they know are alarmed.
The icing on the cake would be a video doorbell alongside electronic door locks. A video doorbell is one of the most effective means of deterring burglars. Why? Because they force burglars to question whether someone is home. All it takes is a little bit of doubt in a burglar’s mind to chase him or her away.
With a video doorbell installed, a homeowner can communicate with whomever is standing at the front door. Best of all, the homeowner doesn’t even have to be home. He or she can still communicate remotely using a smartphone app that connects directly to the video doorbell. A burglar hearing a voice coming from the doorbell’s audio system automatically has to question whether he/she is about to be caught.
Keys are on old technology that worked just fine in their day. But they are so yesterday. Today’s electronic locks can replace keys and all that comes with them. They can make a home more secure to boot.