January 15, 2013
NBC hypocrisy as Network sponsors major Gun Show
January 15, 2013. Las Vegas, NV. Viewers of NBC and its assortment of other media outlets might think the network was 100 percent dedicated to banning guns. From Meet the Press’ David Gregory to NBC Sports’ Bob Costas, NBC Universal has aired a constant, emotional tirade against firearms and the 2nd Amendment. But wait, NBC isn’t just a sponsor of the world’s largest gun show this week, they actually have a booth there.
NBC’s Dick Gregory illegally waves a banned gun magazine on national TV after Washington DC police warned the network not to.
NBC’s anti-firearm platform
Ever since the tragic shooting in Connecticut, the various liberal US media outlets have put objective journalism aside. To watch any of the major networks, it would seem that 9 out of 10 Americans is against the private ownership of firearms. Their panicked frenzy has had a surprising effect – gun and high-capacity magazine sales have skyrocketed, increasing ten-fold in some cases.
The on-air drama put forth by David Gregory and NBC on Meet the Press last month was possibly the most blatant example. On national TV, Gregory waved a 30-round magazine in front of the camera while he berated the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre. Little did anyone know at the time, 30-round magazines are illegal in Washington DC where Gregory and NBC film the show.
The network immediately insisted it wasn’t aware of the law, or its violation of it. Washington DC police launched an investigation and disputed NBC’s official statement. DC authorities claim the network asked for a special exception so they could show the illegal magazine on their upcoming broadcast. District police refused NBC’s request, but the network and Gregory did it anyway. While the network and host knowingly broke a gun law on national TV, DC police concluded their investigation last week saying that no charges would be filed.
SHOT Show – Too Good To Miss
That’s the tag line of the annual SHOT Show – Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show. According to the show’s website, ‘It is the world’s premier exposition of combined firearms, ammunition, law enforcement, cutlery, outdoor apparel, optics and related products and services.’ The SHOT Show is owned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
That’s a strange business partner for NBC Universal, isn’t it? Considering the network’s fierce, unbending anti-firearm position, NBC employees might feel more at home outside picketing the event this week instead of sitting at the network’s participating exposition booth pandering to 60,000 gun owners and outdoor enthusiasts.
The SHOT Show is an annual gun show that coincidentally enough, begins today and goes through January 18. The expo, widely considered the world’s largest gun show, is being held at the Sands Expo & Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
SHOT Show sponsors and exhibitors
With a temporary population the size of a medium-sized city, SHOT Show exists on 5-levels of the Las Vegas convention center and features hundreds of booths from companies that make their money on the firearm and outdoor sporting industry. One of them is the innocently sounding Careco Multimedia Entertainment.
On the Careco Multimedia Entertainment’s website home page, the company greets visitors by instantly thrusting a giant NBC logo in their face. Among the home page’s 7 menu items are ‘NBC Sports’, ‘Fox Sports Net’ and ‘Time Warner Cable’. Showing that it’s not just an informal, working relationship between a number of intertwined corporations, the 2013 SHOT Show exhibitor program reads as follows:
‘Booth: 10731
Careco Multimedia Entertainment
Gulf Shores, AL 36547
About Us
Careco Multimedia – NBC Sports Network airtime distribution: Charles Goodloe, Lavonne Kacalek, Amy Casanova, Karen Felix. NBC Sports Network: Jeff Macaluso, Joe Montemayor. CarecoTV, LLC – Television Production & Advertising: Wade Middleton, Kevin Giesecke, Shelley Giesecke and Danny Blandford.’
News outlets like Bloomberg and Accuracy in Media sought out NBC Universal representatives for a statement regarding the corporation’s apparent hypocrisy during such a tragic time for America. The network’s sensationalized broadcasts have aired continuously since the Sandy Hook tragedy. But NBC has no plans to stop sponsoring guns and firearm events it seems. AIM quotes NBC’s Greg Hughes ‘reaffirming the channel’s sponsorship “as part of our commitment to our outdoor-programming block.”’
For more information on the SHOT Show, visit the show’s website at SHOTShow.org.
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