The Crow
A poem by GK Thomas
The following poem was sent in to us from a reader. It’s titled The Crow, by GK Thomas. Despair, arrowheads, ploughed meadows, smoke in the air, and an ancient bird. We know where this poem takes us. See where it takes you. From the Whiteout Press poetry section.
Image: ‘Mad Mary’ Crow Art Print by Joshua Wilcoxon Photography – Society6
The Crow
By G.K. Thomas
I hear your repeated syllable
of loneliness and despair
come across this ploughed meadow
as I search for arrowheads.
Ancient bird,
watching from your pine perch,
the campfires
of those who brought us here
and their prayers
that went up like smoke in the wind
leaving only some stone intentions
to survive.
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