A nutritious, well-balanced diet combined with exercise and refraining from smoking and drinking, is the key to good health. Healthy eating means consuming high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water in the food you eat, and at the same time minimizing processed foods, fats, and alcohol. Following this strategy, you will maintain your everyday functions, promote optimal body weight, and you will possibly prevent a variety of illness that could occur because of a poor diet.

So, how does a healthy diet improve our overall health? The nutrients in the food you eat support the activities of everyday living, it also protects your cells from environmental changes, and repair cellular damage that might occur. Proteins rebuild injured tissues and prompt a healthy immune system. Carbohydrates and fats, fuel the body, while vitamins and minerals function through your body and support its processes. Vitamins A, C, and E act as antioxidants to protect your cells against harmful toxins, and vitamin B helps your body extract the energy from the food. For example, calcium and phosphorous keep your bones strong, while sodium and potassium help transmit nerve signals. By not having a healthy diet, you might compromise any of the many essential functions of your body.
In addition to the quality of the food, the amount is also important when considering healthy eating habits. The most important thing is to take the same number of calories as your body burns, which will ensure your weight remains the same over a period of time. On the other hand, consuming more than your body burns will result in weight gain, as your body converts the extra calories to fat tissue. When fat tissue is accumulated, it will automatically increase the risk of developing one or more health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, respiratory issues, diabetes, and cancer. A healthy and balanced diet without extra calories will help you not only feel better but can prolong your life as well.

Obesity is not the only nutrition-based disease. Too much or too little of specific nutrients that our body needs can contribute to health issues as well. For example, a lack of calcium in your diet can predispose you to develop osteoporosis or weakening of your bones, while too intaking too much saturated fat can cause heart disease, and consuming a small amount of fruits and vegetables is connected with an increased incidence of cancer. Consuming a wide variety of foods helps ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to avoid dangerous and life-threatening problems.
If you are not used to having a good, healthy diet that promotes your overall health and well-being, making small and gradual changes can help you improve the way you eat in the future. For example, you can stay away from high-calorie, sugary drinks by drinking water, or switch from full-fat to low-fat dairy products. Selecting lean meats, like chicken or fish, instead of fatty cuts or selecting whole-wheat grains instead of refined ones can lower your daily intake of unhealthy fats and increase your dietary fiber intake. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of sodium than canned and snacking on fresh vegetables like carrots, apples, and cucumber slices are way more healthier than fats and chips.

If you are not used to having a healthy diet, you could make small changes that could help you turn a new leaf and start small. By changing the usual things, it will already start to affect your health and well-being. Keep in mind that after all, you are what you eat.